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'003' Beyond 3D Model Design
The design process of a 3D model for a specific brand, referred to as the "X" brand in this case, typically involves several stages.
Nuphy Keyboard Design
A keyboard designed specifically for Nuphy, a technology company known for its focus on user-centric design and innovation
Les Benjamins 3D Model Design
The creation of a 3D mannequin designed specifically for Les Benjamins, a renowned fashion brand, would involve a careful blend of artistic vision, technological innovation
Braun Branding
Known for their iconic designs and innovative approach, the brand's work, which has ventured into camera production, is undoubtedly a testament to their commitment to functional and aesthetic excellence.
Teenage Engineering Collabration
The co-design collaboration between Teenage Engineering and a tape recorder company represents a unique blend of innovative audio technology and
Bottle Branding
A branding study for the X bottle company involves an in-depth analysis and exploration of various aspects related to the brand's identity
Designed by Helin Kıl